June 23, 2021

A New Approach to our Everyday Interactions: Generative Communication

Communicating. It’s kind of like breathing. We do it every day without thinking much about it, yet we couldn’t last long without it. We interact with the people and world around us for our most basic needs: food and water, shelter, love and belonging, esteem, and achieving our potential, not to mention accomplishing our day-to-day tasks and life pursuits. Yet...
October 13, 2021

Five Portals into a Generative Communication Mindset

Generative Communication is grounded in a revolutionary new way of thinking about human communication. I've identified five interrelated portals that give entry into a Generative Communication mindset. Together, they offer an exciting new approach to our everyday interactions...
November 10, 2021

A Radical New Communication Mindset: Co-Creating Life Together

Many of us are stuck in old ways of thinking and communicating that limit our ability to work out difference. Generative Communication is a radical new mindset that creates an expanded understanding of problems, and workable solutions—all for the common good.
June 22, 2022

Lead, follow, AND get out of the way!

Sustainability leaders who communicate generatively welcome self-organizing spontaneity of creative innovation even in the messy conversations of disagreement.
July 25, 2022

Climate Change Cries Out for Generative Communication

The best “tool” available to us for mitigating the effects of climate change is our integrated ability to learn, think critically and communicate generatively through our everyday interactions. We may have to modulate our egos, self-interests and certainties as we genuinely seek to generate understanding, commitment, action and results—together—on behalf of the common good as well as ourselves.
August 29, 2022

Quit Talking and Communicate

Generative Communication is a way forward when deeply held values of individual rights and responsibility versus social rights and responsibilities get in the way of responding to Climate Change in significant ways. This blog explores these questions from the perspective of stakeholders of the U.S. Agricultural Industry. The conversation above offers a shorthand version of differing views in an imagined stakeholder group: agriculture (ag) consumers, ag producers, local university ag and climate change researchers, sustainability advocates, and local politicians. While comments may represent similar-minded folks, you can rest assured that each individual within the various stakeholder groups has a personal and unique point of view.
October 25, 2022

Our Brains Aren’t Big Enough Anymore

One reason for formulating the Generative Communication model—a new strategy for dealing with complex challenges—is the recognition that our world has grown so complex in the 21st century that there is more information to process and problems to solve than our individual brains can handle, even with the aid of intelligent computers.
November 19, 2022

Generative Thanksgiving!

Whether you’re a host or guest, you can ask questions to help generative conversations get started, prompting people to have fun being together and discussing things they’ve never thought much about before.
December 17, 2022

Time to Reflect

One reason for formulating the Generative Communication model—a new strategy for dealing with complex challenges—is the recognition that our world has grown so complex in the 21st century that there is more information to process and problems to solve than our individual brains can handle, even with the aid of intelligent computers.
January 22, 2023

Where did the idea of Generative Communication come from, anyway?

For me, as close as I can figure, the idea of Generative Communication came from a slow-growing seed in the recesses of my mind, likely embedded in my DNA. Let’s call it “a propensity for challenging the status quo.”

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