What is Generative CommunicationTM?
Generative CommunicationTM is an interactive process of intentional co-creation that seeks mutually-desired outcomes. The outcomes may be a better understanding of complex problems, an appreciation for opposing points of view, or workable solutions to intractable challenges. Communication becomes community when people engage one another for a common purpose. It becomes generative when it brings something new into existence or prompts action that changes a situation or even minds. The practice of generative communication rests on a few simple assumptions:
- We’re better together.
- We need to reflect more about how our thinking informs our interactions.
- We must take personal responsibility for contributing to the dilemmas we encounter and finding workable solutions.
- A generative community is more than the sum of its individuals.
Human quality of life and long-term survival are dependent on our willingness and ability to practice morally responsible, generative communication.