Mary – Mary A. Ferdig
October 24, 2024

A Powerful Single Act of Communication

The model of Generative Communication rejects black-and-white thinking and embraces the nuances and inherent uncertainties of complexity thinking. In a world where absolutes are rare, there are times when we must communicate concrete decisions using the best information available. Voting is one of those decisions—a single communication act that, when combined with millions of others, plays a crucial role in determining the direction of our country.
August 30, 2024

Embrace the Chaos: Navigating Political Complexity

US politics in action is a beautiful display of complex, dynamic, and emerging communication that often leads to outcomes that are anything but predictable. The intensity of communication in the political arena is steadily growing and reveals a magnified version of the power dynamics inherent in any human interaction. Generative Communication gives us the tools to thoughtfully engage in generating political outcomes with more insight.
June 29, 2024

Facing the 800-pound Gorilla in the Room

Regardless of where you fall within the political spectrum, our varied lifeviews and our willingness to participate are foundational for a functional American government. Generative Communication (GC) allows for innumerable ways to participate in conscious and productive political interactions within ourselves and with others in our communities without imposing on another’s beliefs and right to privacy.
April 26, 2024

Positively Generative!

I recently had a conversation with my book editor, which initiated a delightful reflection on why I chose the term “generative” to describe a dramatically different view of human communication underpinned by a mindset that enables us to co-create something uniquely new in our conscious interactions with others. A dive into what generative means in different disciplines.
February 25, 2024

Unity Through Diversity with Generative Communication

The first rule of Generative Communication is a reminder that meanings are in people, not words! So, one person’s meaning is never the same as another’s, given that each person’s lifeview—their experiences, interpretations, and beliefs—are as unique as their fingerprints.